03/01/2025 - Review: Trueman’s To Change All Worlds
02/01/2025 - Adam Smith and Calvinism
01/01/2025 - Review: John Arrowsmith’s Plans for Holy War
12/01/2024 - B. B. Warfield for the Twenty-First Century
11/01/2024 - The Timothy Conference
10/01/2024 - Review: Richard E. Burnett’s Machen’s Hope
08/01/2024 - Reviews: Crisis of Confidence and Glorifying and Enjoying God
07/01/2024 - Review: Alan D. Strange’s Empowered Witness
06/01/2024 - Review: Gaffin’s Word and Spirit
05/01/2024 - 2024 Camps and Conferences
04/01/2024 - Review: The Rise and Fall of Dispensationalism
03/01/2024 - Review: Wilson’s Mere Christendom
02/01/2024 - Review: Olasky and Savas’s The Story of Abortion in America
01/01/2024 - Spring MTIOPC Courses
12/01/2023 - Encouraging Our Elders
11/01/2023 - Review: Neo-Calvinism: A Theological Introduction
10/01/2023 - OPC Timothy Conference 2024
08/01/2023 - Review: Robertson’s Christ of the Consummation
07/01/2023 - Review: Collin Hansen’s Timothy Keller
06/01/2023 - Review: Feasting on Theology for Ministry
05/01/2023 - 2023 OPC Summer Camps and Conferences
04/01/2023 - Catechizing with the Truth
03/01/2023 - Review: Geerhardus Vos’s Natural Theology
02/01/2023 - Review: The Trinitarian Theology of Cornelius Van Til
01/01/2023 - A New Podcast for Elders
12/01/2022 - Book Review: Redeeming Expertise
11/01/2022 - Timothy Conference 2023
10/01/2022 - Child’s Catechism of Scripture History
08/01/2022 - Review of Gaffin’s In the Fullness of Time
07/01/2022 - Redesigned Website for the Trinity Psalter Hymnal
06/01/2022 - A Highlight for the CCE: The Timothy Conference
05/01/2022 - Grace for Parents of Prodigals
04/01/2022 - OPC Summer Camps and Conferences in 2022
03/01/2022 - Review of Ethics as Worship
02/01/2022 - God’s Providence at Great Commission Publications
01/01/2022 - Updating the Language of the Doctrinal Standards
12/01/2021 - MTIOPC Course on Disability and the Church
11/01/2021 - 2022 Timothy Conference
10/01/2021 - Review: Fesko’s Need for Creeds Today
08/01/2021 - God’s Provision to GCP
07/01/2021 - Review: VanDrunen’s Politics after Christendom
06/01/2021 - Trinity Psalter Hymnal iOS App Now Available
05/01/2021 - New MTIOPC Course: Disability and the Church
04/01/2021 - Jesus Has Risen, and Nothing Is the Same
03/01/2021 - It’s Not (Just) Fun and Games
01/01/2021 - Some Advice to Preachers on Preaching
12/01/2020 - An Introduction to Family Worship
11/01/2020 - Prayer Meetings in the OPC
10/01/2020 - A Frozen 2 Parody: “Our God Cannot Change”
09/01/2020 - Great Commission Publications Names New Director
08/01/2020 - GCP Supports the Churches During COVID-19
07/01/2020 - Review: The Theology of the Huguenot Refuge
06/01/2020 - Review: Theological English: An Advanced ESL Text
05/01/2020 - Keep Breathing
04/01/2020 - Review: Essential Writings of Meredith G. Kline
03/01/2020 - Review of Herman Bavinck’s Wonderful Works of God
02/01/2020 - Getting Your Feet Wet in Pastoral Ministry
01/01/2020 - MTIOPC Applies Biblical Principles to Ministry
12/01/2019 - Review: Wanamaker’s Temple by Nicole C. Kirk
11/01/2019 - The 2020 Timothy Conference
10/01/2019 - Review: Machen’s Christianity and Liberalism
08/01/2019 - Ten Tips for Surviving a Pastoral Transition
07/01/2019 - Review: Geerhardus Vos
06/01/2019 - Are You Woke?
05/01/2019 - Hodge’s Spirituality of the Church
04/01/2019 - 2019 Summer Camps and Conferences
03/01/2019 - New Teen Bible Studies from Great Commission Publications
02/01/2019 - Reformation Liturgies and Modern Worship
01/01/2019 - Van Til and the Spring MTIOPC
12/01/2018 - OPC Ministerial Internships: Past and Present
11/01/2018 - Timothy Conference Goes to the Sunshine State
10/01/2018 - Two Resources on Transgenderism
08/01/2018 - In Fond Recognition of Patricia Clawson
07/01/2018 - Ten Years of the OPC Timothy Conference
06/01/2018 - Is It Biblical to Tithe Online?
05/01/2018 - 2018 Summer Camps and Conferences
04/01/2018 - Vos’s Reformed Dogmatics
03/01/2018 - Laying a Firm Foundation for Grades 3 & 4
02/01/2018 - New Horizons on Social Media
01/01/2018 - Grow in Preaching through an MTIOPC Class
12/01/2017 - Plans for the 2018 Timothy Conference
11/01/2017 - The Cal Ripken of the CCE
10/01/2017 - From Martin Luther to American Evangelicals
08/01/2017 - Review: The Benedict Option
06/01/2017 - Reformed Evangelism at MTIOPC
05/01/2017 - OPC Summer Camps and Conferences
04/01/2017 - Review: Choosing the Good Portion
03/01/2017 - A Teacher Is a Disciple First and Always
02/01/2017 - Review: Van Dixhoorn’s Confessing the Faith
01/01/2017 - Growing Pastors for the OPC
12/01/2016 - Surf’s Up at the Timothy Conference!
11/01/2016 - Ministerial Training Institute Resumes
10/01/2016 - New Editions of Important Books by Van Til
08/01/2016 - Dorothy Anderson Barker: Writer
07/01/2016 - Building a Foundation: Penny Pappas and Ali Knudsen
06/01/2016 - Laying a Firm Foundation, Part II: K to Grade 2
05/01/2016 - OPC Summer Camps and Conferences
04/01/2016 - Shiloh Institute: A Taste of Ministry
02/01/2016 - Learning Disabilities in Your Sunday School Class
01/01/2016 - Review: The Twilight of the American Enlightenment
12/01/2015 - Covenant Preaching (Part Three)
11/01/2015 - Covenant Preaching (Part Two)
10/01/2015 - Covenant Preaching (Part 1)
08/01/2015 - The Dangers of Neglecting the Assembly
07/01/2015 - Sunday School in Smaller Churches
06/01/2015 - Eighteenth-Century Roots; Twenty-first-Century Shoots
05/01/2015 - Why Do We Have Bible Camp?
04/01/2015 - Making the Gospel Clear (Part 2)
03/01/2015 - Making the Gospel Clear (Part 1)
02/01/2015 - Review: How God Became Jesus
01/01/2015 - Internships Develop OPC Pastors
12/01/2014 - The Timothy Conference: Looking Back, Looking Ahead
11/01/2014 - Reformed Worship: Introducing Glen Clary
10/01/2014 - Laying a Firm Foundation: Part One: Ages 2 to 5
08/01/2014 - Senior Saints Keep Learning
07/01/2014 - Media Matters
06/01/2014 - Seminary Debt: A Problem for the OPC?
05/01/2014 - OPC Summer Camps and Conferences
04/01/2014 - For Pastors: Five Stones to Fight the Good Fight
03/01/2014 - The Psalter-Hymnal Project
02/01/2014 - iPod, YouTube, Wii Play
01/01/2014 - First-Time Internships
12/01/2013 - MTIOPC Spring 2014 Courses
11/01/2013 - The Next Generation of Ministers
10/01/2013 - Pilgrim’s Progress for Children
08/01/2013 - Novel Ideas for Church Libraries
07/01/2013 - MTIOPC Meeting in Wheaton
06/01/2013 - Timothy Conference 2013
05/01/2013 - Summer Camps and Conferences
04/01/2013 - A Window into the OPC
03/01/2013 - Living with Early Infant Loss
02/01/2013 - How Jesus Runs the Church
01/01/2013 - It Takes a Covenant Community
12/01/2012 - The Urgent Claims of the Gospel Ministry
11/01/2012 - The Best Gauge of Pastoral Ministry
10/01/2012 - New Books on Old Princeton
08/01/2012 - New Features on OPC.org
07/01/2012 - Timothy Conference Bearing Fruit
06/01/2012 - For or against Calvinism?
05/01/2012 - Summer Camps and Conferences
04/01/2012 - Families and Churches Rowing Together
03/01/2012 - Christianity and Evolution
02/01/2012 - The Christian Nation in Today’s World
01/01/2012 - Interns: The Pastor’s Perspective
12/01/2011 - Spring Courses, New Instructor at MTIOPC
11/01/2011 - Adult Sunday School: Teaching the Word
10/01/2011 - A View of Ministry in the OPC
09/01/2011 - The Task of Christian Education
07/01/2011 - Evangelism and the OPC: Part 3, Spending Our Inheritance
06/01/2011 - Penny Pappas: A Woman for All Seasons
05/01/2011 - Evangelism and the OPC: Part 2, Van Til and the Mantle of Machen
04/01/2011 - Evangelism and the OPC: Part 1, Machen's Evangelistic Identity
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