The Presbyterian Guardian was an important voice in the early years of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church. From the start, it was characterized by its vigorous opposition to modernism and its proclamation and defense of Reformed orthodoxy. This commitment characterized all 611 issues of the journal, and it found expression in stimulating articles such as John Murray's series, "The Reformed Faith and Modern Substitutes." Established on the eve of the founding of the denomination, the Guardian reported actively on the developments in the OPC, although it remained an independent magazine.
Several popular books began as articles that were serialized in the Guardian, including the Glorious Body of Christ, by R. B. Kuiper; "The Application of Redemption" (the second part of Redemption Accomplished and Applied), by John Murray; and J. Gresham Machen: A Silhouette, by Henry Coray.
Editors of the Guardian during its remarkable 44-year publishing history included H. McAllister Griffiths, J. Gresham Machen, Ned B. Stonehouse, Charles J. Woodbridge, Paul Woolley, Leslie W. Sloat, Robert E. Nicholas, John J. Mitchell, and J. Cameron Fraser.
The Committee for the Historian is pleased to make this resource available in a form that will facilitate further study of the heritage of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church.
Visit the Presbyterian Guardian page to access any of the individual 611 issues or download the entire collection as one PDF file.
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