Do you have any idea what the following numbers might mean: 7, 13, 33, 110, 1238? They mean exciting days in the area of Short-term Missions in the OPC! Short-term missions activities peak during summer months for obvious reasons. The numbers mentioned above reflect what is happening on OPC foreign fields between May and August of 2011.
7 OPC foreign fields are eagerly anticipating the help and encouragement of OPC short-term helpers.
13 OPC presbyteries will have direct involvement in OPC foreign fields through the hands and feet of OPC short-term workers going from within their midst.
33 OPC churches are sacrificially investing in OPC foreign fields and in the lives of those who go through the sending of OPC short-term workers.
110 OPC short-term individuals will have participated in an experience that will have a life-long impact on their lives.
1238 man-days will be invested into the labor of OPC foreign fields by these many OPC short-term laborers. (That is more than 3 man-years of work!)
While we fully understand that the impact of a short-term worker on a field can be just that, short-term, we sow the seed knowing that the Lord of the Harvest is the One who will decide when and if that seed takes root. These short-term workers will be spreading the Word through vacation Bible schools and English camps, some teaching the catechism in the indigenous tongue while others use Bible stories and Scripture texts to teach participants English. Some will be working in the clinic beside Dr. Knox or on the farm with Missionary Deacon Bob Wright. Others will be visiting in homes with missionary evangelists. Some of the short-term missions will be evangelistic in nature while others will be focused on building up and encouraging the missionaries and the church they work to establish.
Whatever the case, come September the OPC will have a whole new flock of missions-energized individuals within our churches, eager to share their experience from their first-hand contact with our OPC foreign fields. Given the invitation, I am sure they would be grateful for the opportunity to share what they have learned and to better equip us to pray effectively for the work of our long-term missionaries.
May God be pleased to bless the labors of these many short-term missionaries with long-term fruit to the glory of His holy Name.
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