The OPC Diaconal Summit II will be held on the campus of Wheaton College on June 7-9, 2012 and will coincide with the Seventy-ninth General Assembly. In addition to numerous workshops, deacons will have an opportunity to participate in a joint session with the General Assembly to hear Dr. Phillip Ryken, president of Wheaton College, speak on the diaconate. The other keynote speaker is Mr. Steve Corbett of the Chalmers Center at Covenant College.
The Committee on Diaconal Ministries (CDM) wants to encourage deacons in their work, and to provide opportunities for fellowship with one another. Through the Summit, the CDM desires to give deacons ideas as to how local churches can be more pro-actively involved in diaconal ministries. It also wants to help deacons understand from each other what obstacles they may be facing, and to address how the church on all levels can improve its structure to better enable them in their work. Workshops will cover: Ministering to Members with Long Term Needs, Ministering to Short-Term Needs and "Walk-ins", and How Sessions and Deacons Can Work Together.
To make this summit available to as many deacons as possible, all expenses of room and board are covered based on double occupancy with a nominal registration fee of $25.00. The CDM would encourage local churches to cover the transportation costs for their deacons and deacons-in-training to attend. The CDM also encourages all members of the presbytery diaconates to attend.
The committee on diaconal ministries encourages men to apply on-line at Additional information is available there including a full brochure for Diaconal Summit II.
Attendees of the inaugural diaconal summit had this to say about their experience:
"The best part was just being with so many brothers to share issues and struggles and to tangibly learn that the Church is much bigger than our little congregation."
"Great location, very good food. Thank you for the CDM to care for and equip deacons for fruitful service to Christ and His church."
"This summit was just very helpful. Was especially good to meet and talk with other deacons in the OPC and our own presbytery."
"Much needed, well planned, and very profitable."
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