Diaconal Summit II will be held on the campus of Wheaton College in Wheaton, Illinois June 7-9, 2012. Featured speakers include Dr. Philip Graham Ryken, president of Wheaton College, and Mr. Steve Corbett of The Chalmers Center at Covenant College. Deacons, members of the Presbytery Diaconates, and Deacons-in-training are encouraged and welcomed to attend. The summit coincides with the 79th General Assembly of the OPC, and attendees will have the opportunity to be present for the Committee on Diaconal Ministries report to General Assembly.
The first Diaconal Summit of the OPC in 2010 was a success because God helped us, and because of the men who came, and for their desire to serve the church and learn more about their office and calling. Through excellent teaching, and time together, we came to have a better understanding of what it means to serve the church, to carry forward the mission of service at the feet of others, and how to do so within a framework of humility and love. With instruction, fellowship, and meals together, we discovered things about ourselves, and our church that were new, refreshing, and inspirational.
Diaconal Summit II has the same goals in mind. The focus of this summit will be help and training for the local Diaconate. Their work in building up and encouraging the church will be front and center. Three interactive workshops focus on working with long term diaconal cases, short term cases, and working together with the local elders of the church in holistic ministry. We'll also have some fun at meal times with seating arranged by presbytery, as well as a few surprises.
To register for the summit please go to: www.opc.org/committee_dm.html. Please register early! The cost for OPC Deacons and Deacons-in-training is just $25.00. For those flying to the summit, transportation from Chicago's Midway and O'Hare airports will be provided. Housing is double occupancy in one of the residence halls on campus, and all meals and snacks will be provided. For those with specific needs or additional questions, please contact Chris Sudlow at sudlow77@sbcglobal.net.
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