A new index of audio sermons is now available on the resources page.
The preaching of God's Holy Word by men ordained to the gospel ministry is central to our worship and life as a church. Every Lord's Day, the ministers of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church expound God's Word to the flock under their care in pulpits across America, and in mission fields around the world.
A growing number of these congregations are utilizing technology to digitally record these sermons in order to make them available for all to hear on the Internet. There are over 2,000 such sermons currently available online.
These audio sermons are available mostly in the MP3 format, and can be easily downloaded to be listened to on your computer or MP3 player. Windows Media Player and Winamp are two popular programs that play MP3 files.
These sermons cannot, nor are they meant to, replace your physically sitting under the preaching of the Word each Lord's Day within the worship and fellowship of a local congregation. However, they can serve as a helpful resource for further study and growth in the grace and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.
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