The Ministerial Training Institute of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church is offering a new course this summer as well as one which is vital to the understanding of who we are as Orthodox Presbyterians. OP ministers, OP men who are licensed to preach or under care of a presbytery, OP ruling elders, and ministers and licentiates from sister denominations are encouraged to take these courses.
Our newest instructor is Dr. David C. Noe, an OP elder and associate professor of Classics at Calvin College. He will teach A Greek Refresher to help pastors refresh and expand their grasp of Greek. This course is designed to aid them in preaching the whole counsel of God with sound exegesis. The class will focus on Koine Greek. Students will improve their grasp of syntax, expand their vocabulary, and strengthen their sight-reading skills. Dr. Noe will point out New Testament authors’ theological and exegetical themes and how they connect with Reformed confessions.
OP Historian John Muether is an OP elder who serves as librarian and associate professor of Church History at Reformed Theological Seminary in Orlando. He will instruct students in OPC History. This course will help those who are new to the OPC as well as those who have long served the church to articulate what they believe about the identity of the OPC. The class will be taught the OP’s history, character, and commitments. The men first will study American Presbyterianism from colonial times through the formation of the OPC in 1936. A study of how various struggles have impacted the OPC over the years and her relationship with American evangelicals and those with which she has ecclesiastical fellowship also will be discussed.
Both classes begin on June 8 with online reading and writing assignments over the weeks until the Intensive Training session is held in August. Located at the OPC Administrative Offices in Willow Grove, Pennsylvania, Intensive Training is mandatory for all students to successfully complete their course work. Students will typically travel on Monday, August 17 to the Philadelphia area. Classes will be held from 8 a.m. Tuesday, August 18 through noon Thursday, August 20.
MTIOPC provides housing with church families, meals, and transportation to and from the OPC offices and the Philadelphia airport. Travel scholarships and free tuition are offered to OP pastors, licentiates, and men under care of a presbytery.
All OP students are required to pay a $50 per course registration fee, which is fully refundable upon successful completion of the course. Non-OP students pay a $100 per course registration fee, which also is refundable. OP elders and those from other denominations are not eligible for the travel scholarship and are required to pay a per course tuition fee of $50 or $100 respectively.
Registration deadline is Monday, June 1.
Applications to register for the courses are available on the MTIOPC page. An application form, course descriptions, a letter from MTIOPC director Danny Olinger, and the catalog are available.
For more information, contact Pat Clawson, MTIOPC coordinator, at or (215) 935-1023.
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