The OPC is pleased to present the 5th in a series of five videos that are being made available this year to help promote the Thank Offering. The videos are timed to coordinate with the suggested distribution schedule for the bulletin inserts that were mailed to all churches earlier this month (see schedule, below).
This week's video focuses on the work of the Committee on Foreign Missions. Associate General Secretary Douglas Clawson recounts how the Independent Board for Presbyterian Foreign Missions, formed in the 1930's by those who knew they could not support the theologically liberal social agenda of the PCUSA's foreign missions program, subsequently led to the founding of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church.
" ... people who realized that foreign missions should be about the spread of the gospel, calling men and women everywhere to repent of their sins and put their faith alone in Jesus Christ for their salvation."
The very earliest OPC missionaries served in China, Japan, Korea, and Eritrea, and over the years the Thank Offering has supported the Committee on Foreign Missions in its development of additional mission fields.
Thank Offering Video Schedule
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We hope you will enjoy this video and use it to encourage your congregation to participate in the whole work of the whole church by giving to the Thank Offering:
Foreign Missions from OPC Home Missions on Vimeo.
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