The Committee on Christian Education is pleased to announce that the 2017 OPC Timothy Conference will be held in Southern California, hosted by Harvest OPC in San Marcos, California. Westminster Seminary California will also provide gracious assistance by opening its doors so that conference attendees are exposed to seminary classes. OPC ministers Jonathan Moersch (Trinity Presbyterian, Capistrano Beach, CA), Christopher Chelpka (Covenant OPC, Tuscon, AZ), and John Fesko (Professor at WSC) will be conference speakers, joined by Danny Olinger and Dave VanDrunen of the Committee on Christian Education.
The conference, designed for OP men aged 16–21, will help a young man in your congregation who has been endorsed by his session to answer questions such as:
The conference is supported by offerings to Worldwide Outreach, so there is no cost to the young men who attend. Sessions must nominate and write a letter of recommendation for potential participants from their congregations. Applications should be sent to David Winslow ( or Danny Olinger ( before January 15, 2017.
For further information on the conference and to download an application, please visit the Timothy Conference page.
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