From Thursday, June 15, to Saturday, June 17, 2017, over 220 deacons, deacons-in-training, elders, and ministers, from in and outside the OPC around the country, are gathering in Wheaton, Illinois, for the OPC's third national diaconal summit.
Sponsored by the Committee on Diaconal Ministries (CDM), Diaconal Summit III is designed to strengthen the network of deacons in the OPC, encourage deacons in their labors, and provide solid diaconal training.
The keynote speaker is Dr. David S. Apple, Director of Mercy Ministries at Tenth Presbyterian Church in Philadelphia, PA, and author of "Not Just a Soup Kitchen: How Mercy Ministry in the Local Church Transforms Us All."
Dr. Apple will speak on "Jesus is the Great Deacon" and "Everyone is a Deacon" and "Why the Office of Deacon?"
Additional talks by CDM members Lendall Smith, Nathan Trice, and Chris Sudlow, and David Nakhla, CDM Administrator, will round out the program.
Participants, please download the PDF of the binder to use the documents on your computer.
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