Courses for the Fall semester of the Ministerial Training Institute of the OPC will begin on September 1. The purpose of the MTIOPC is to assist in maintaining and enhancing the quality of ministerial service in the Orthodox Presbyterian Church, especially pastoral and missionary, by helping men to prepare for informed and effective ministry that conforms to the standard of Holy Scripture.
There are a number of excellent courses being offered this Fall, including OPC History, Presbyterian Polity, and the Westminster Standards. The semester will conclude with a week long intensive session in Orlando, Florida. Click here to download the registration materials for the Fall semester in Adobe PDF format. The entire catalog of the MTIOPC is available here.
Course Descriptions:
OPC History: This course is taught by Mr. John Muether, and provides an examination of the history, character, and distinguishing commitments of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church. The first part of the course will explore the historical setting of the church through a survey of American Presbyterianism from colonial times to 1936 and the events surrounding the formation of the OPC. The class will then study the emerging ethos of the OPC as it has been shaped by the struggles it has experienced. Also, attention will be given to the church’s relationship with American evangelicalism and those churches with which the OPC stands in ecclesiastical fellowship. Through the process of reviewing different interpretations of OPC history, students will be expected to articulate and defend their understanding of the identity of the OPC.
Presbyterian Polity: This course is taught by Rev. Stuart R. Jones, and gives special attention to the theory and practice of Presbyterianism as it finds expression in the Form of Government and Book of Discipline of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church. The course may be used to prepare officer candidates for ordination or admission to the OPC, or to enhance the skills and understanding of those already serving in the church. Other topics that will assist participation in the governing assemblies of the church (e.g. Robert's Rules of Order) are also discussed. Some applied exercises in the area of church discipline are used to help students think through the challenges faced in this difficult area of ministry.
The Westminster Standards: This course is taught by Rev. George W. Knight. The purpose of this course is to enable the student to get a clear understanding of the rich heritage of the Reformation faith. The course offers a detailed analysis of the contents of the Westminster Confession of Faith (WCF). The relationship between the WCF and the Larger and Shorter Catechisms is discussed. The goal is for the student to know the system of doctrine formulated on the WCF and the two catechisms, and to be able to subscribe to these standards with integrity. The method used includes readings of assigned materials, review of specific commentaries on these standards, and study of a detailed syllabus that reduces the doctrines of the Confession to a series of clear propositions. Special attention will be given to the OPC’s form of subscription to the Westminster Standards.
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