Toward the end of his life, the Rev. Robert Churchill was working on several writing projects. One project was a history of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church, another was an autobiography. Before either were completed, the Lord called Rev. Churchill home to glory. The two manuscripts were combined through the diligent efforts of his wife Dorothy and his friend and colleague, the Rev. George Haney. The resulting book is Lest We Forget: A Personal Reflection on the Formation of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church.
The Committee for the Historian of the OPC is pleased to announce an audiobook version of Lest We Forget. This audiobook is now available through Audible, Amazon and related platforms. It is also available as individual chapters through SermonAudio
Lest We Forget also remains available in paperback through the OPC Publications Store, and in Kindle format through Amazon.
Rev. Brian De Jong is the pastor of Grace OPC in Sheboygan, Wisconsin.
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