The Committee on Home Missions and the Committee on Christian Education have produced three new gospel tracts for use of OP congregations in evangelism and outreach. Written by Rev. Dr. Eric Watkins (Harvest OPC in San Marcos, California), these tracts share one evangelistic message with three different audiences in mind. The first, "What Is Truth?", addresses skeptics. The second tract, "What's Your Story?" is intended for narrative-driven postmoderns. The third tract, "Your Only Comfort," uses the wisdom of Heidelberg Catechism Q. #1 to share why Christ is the believer's surest hope. These eight-page tracts are printed in full color and can be customized with your church's name, address, and contact information on the back page.
Excerpts from “What Is Truth?”
The Bible is full of important questions—and answers. In fact, the first question in the Bible is one of the most important ever asked: "Has God really said?" (Gen 3:1). If the answer is "yes," then we have answers to many of life's most important questions. If the answer is "no," then we are like rudderless boats, drifting hopelessly across a windswept sea of confusion.Truth is unchanging because God is unchanging. The good news is still good because God is still God.
Jesus once stood in front of a man named Pilate. Pilate had heard much about Jesus from people who were eyewitnesses to what Jesus had done. Pilate asked Jesus a time-tested question: "What is truth?" (John 18:38). The answer was standing right in front of him—in Jesus.
Perhaps you have been living your life with the answer to so many of your questions right in front of you. Perhaps the real question is not "can" you believe in Jesus, but whether or not you "want" to believe in him.
This tract is simply a conversation starter. It may raise more questions than it answers. If you are curious and want to know more of the truth of God’s Word, please consider contacting the church on the back page. The people there are eager to meet you, love you, and grow with you. They are human, with faults and weaknesses, but they also have the love of Christ in them. The safest place in the world to read and study God's Word is with his people—his church. The people there would be glad to welcome you, your questions, even your friends (and they might even feed you!).
So, what is truth? Come and hear God’s Word read, preached, and taught with us. His Word is life-giving. And it all leads to Jesus. He is the Truth. And He does not change—no matter how much we question him.
Visit the CCE online bookstore for order information. Questions can be emailed to CHMCE Administrative Assistant Katharine Olinger.
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