From Thursday, June 2, to Saturday, June 4, over 230 OPC deacons, deacons-in-training, elders, and ministers from around the country will be gathering in Wheaton, IL for the OPC's fourth National Diaconal Summit.
Diaconal ministry can be a tiring and sometimes isolating labor. The goal of this Summit is to provide deacons with a time of training, encouragement, and fellowship as they are immersed in this three-day event.
Sponsored by the OPC Committee on Diaconal Ministries (CDM), the Diaconal Summit is designed to strengthen the network of deacons in the OPC, equip local deacons for their labors, foster fellowship, and provide a wide variety of diaconal training.
Plenary sessions include messages by Rev. Bill Shishko, Rev. Craig Troxel, Rev. Al Tricarico, and Rev. Ron Pearce and will cover a range of relevant concerns, such as "Diaconal Leadership today," "The Deacon and His Congregation," "The Deacon and His Community," and "The Ministry that Deacons Need."
This year's Summit offers deacons an unprecedented nine workshops on a variety of practical topics from "Mercy Ministry in a Social-Justice World", "Refugee Ministry", "Doing Business as Deacons", "Ministry to, and with, People with Disabilities" among others.
The summit's virtual binder is available now and includes the schedule, speaker information and outlines, additional resources for deacons, and much more. Each session will be recorded and available on as soon as possible, so check back often.
Please remember to pray for these men as they travel and attend the Summit, for the leaders of each session, for the deacons in your local church and the nearly 1,000 deacons in the OPC as they serve the Lord in their God-given role.
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