1. Presbytery Diaconal Summit V: Assisting Churches and Mission Works without Deacons
In this episode, Rev. John Shaw, pastor and former OPC general secretary for Home Missions and Church Extension (CHMCE) addresses the OPC Presbytery Diaconal Committee (PDC) members at the recent OPC Presbytery Diaconal Summit (PDS) to share some of the challenges he experienced in planting churches when there are no deacons. John points out the overwhelming mercy ministry needs of a new, young church that often falls on new pastors and the need for the unique gifts of deacons in these fledgling congregations. What's the answer? John has some suggestions.
Although the content of this PDS session is primarily focused toward those serving on Presbytery Diaconal Committees, we trust you'll find that many aspects of the talk will benefit local deacons with food for thought, even with inspiration that comes from thinking outside the box. We urge you to avail yourself of the resources you'll hear about in this episode and let us know if you want to know more about these topics or Presbytery Diaconal Committees. We plan to release each of the PDS sessions throughout 2024 on The Reformed Deacon podcast, so be sure to look for them.
2. Biblical Financial Wisdom
In this episode, Deacon and CDM member Tim Hopper welcomes Dr. Jim Newheiser, professor at Reformed Theological Seminary in Charlotte, NC and author of the book, "Money, Debt and Finances: Critical Questions and Answers."
Dr. Newheiser says the goal of his book is to bring together finance, accounting, and investing with a Biblical perspective that is rooted in sound theology. "I really believe in the sufficiency of Scripture to guide us in life," he says. In this episode, Dr. Newheiser wisely points out that we have freedom to spend money, "and we can't tell someone how to spend, but to use godly wisdom. So much of our life involves our vocation, our responsibility to provide, [and] our stewardship of the resources God has given us." Wise words to aid deacons and others as they work with those in need of financial counseling.
You can find all of our episodes at thereformeddeacon.org or on your favorite podcast player. Make sure to follow us, so you don't miss an episode: Facebook and Instagram for giveaways and more information. Find other resources on OPCCDM.org.
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