In this episode, you'll hear a recording from the Presbytery Diaconal Committee's (PDC) fifth Summit hosted by the OPC Committees on Diaconal Ministries and Ministerial Care entitled, "Overview of the PDC Mandate and the Role of the CDM". You'll hear from OPC Committee on Diaconal Ministries administrator, David Nakhla, who presents the long history of the CDM, which has now existed for 76 years, to demonstrate that a great emphasis of the OPC, even from the beginning, has been to recognize the importance of the ministry of mercy. He then re-introduces a working document of the CDM entitled, “Proposed Mandate for the Work of the PDC.” This document, compiled by the CDM in 2012, was built using the varied mandates of the seventeen PDCs and serves to suggest what a comprehensive scope of an active PDC could be.
We'll be releasing the last two sessions of PDS V on The Reformed Deacon podcast in the months to come, so be sure to look for them.
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Have you ever tried to find the word, "deacon" (or elder for that matter) in the Westminster Standards? If you have, you probably couldn't find it, because it isn't referred to explicitly by name. Does that mean the Standards aren't important for deacons to study?
Listen as Westminster Assembly scholar the Rev. Dr. Chad Van Dixhoorn describes the profound impact the Westminster Standards have on the role of Reformed deacons. His expertise provides a glimpse into the spiritual requirements of a deacon and gives insight into the Westminster Standards as they relate to deacons. In this episode, Dr. Van Dixhoorn answers questions from a hypothetical deacon-in-training named "Bob", who, after being given the Standards to study, questions their relevance to deacons.
Dr. Van Dixhoorn navigates through the importance of the Confession of Faith and Catechisms in maintaining unity and transparency in doctrine. Dr. Van Dixhoorn's insights remind us that the role of a deacon extends far beyond the ordinary, offering solace and motivation through the communion of saints. As we conclude, we're left with a renewed appreciation for the Westminster Standards' relevance and an affirmation of their critical use in Christ's church.
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