When a pastor retires, who steps into his pulpit to feed the congregation from God's Word? Where is the next generation of men who are willing to take up the high calling of proclaiming Christ?
A young man in your congregation may wonder which direction he should go in his college studies. He attends worship services and participates in Sunday school, youth activities, and maybe mission trips. He cares for others and enjoys learning God's Word. Does the session consider him to have the potential to be a future pastor?
The Committee on Christian Education's Subcommittee on Ministerial Training wants to help the Orthodox Presbyterian Church find young men interested in the gospel ministry. The SMT is sponsoring the fourth OPC Timothy Conference on April 14-17, 2010. Matthews OPC in Matthews, North Carolina, will host the conference, which will include having the students attend seminary classes at nearby Greenville Presbyterian Theological Seminary.
The conference goal is to "assist the churches in seeking out men with apparent gifts for the gospel ministry, and in pressing upon them its urgent claims." As Paul wrote, "What you have heard from me ... entrust to faithful men who will be able to teach others also" (2 Tim. 2:2).
OP pastors and sessions are asked to nominate young men of piety and ability who would benefit from a presentation of the high calling of the gospel ministry. The young men—high school juniors and seniors and college freshmen and sophomores—are ordinarily between the ages of 16 and 21.
Please send your nomination of a young man who is interested in attending the all-expense-paid conference to Danny Olinger, Christian Education general secretary, no later than January 25, 2010. The student may have to miss a few days of school.
The five OPC conference speakers are the Rev. Brent Ferry, pastor of Covenant Reformed OPC in Mount Airy, N.C.; the Rev. Tony Curto, Greenville professor and OP foreign missionary; Dr. David VanDrunen, professor at Westminster Seminary California; the Rev. Nathan Trice, pastor of Matthews OPC in Matthews, North Carolina; and Rev. Olinger.
For more information, please see the conference prospectus and application on our website, or e-mail Rev. Danny Olinger.
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