January 13, 2010—Late afternoon yesterday Haiti was rocked by what is being described as the most powerful quake to hit the area in 200 years. We felt the tremors here in Kaliko, over 25 miles from the epicenter. We are grateful that we had no damage to our house and were able to stay in contact with folks through e-mail and phone. According to a friend who was in Port-au-Prince at the time of the quake, the city is devastated. Damage is widespread, many have died and many more are still trapped. I have not yet heard from the brothers and sisters on Lagonav, but they likely only suffered strong tremors as we did here. Thanks for praying for us as we figure out how to help. Pray that even through listening and praying with people we will be able to bring the light of the gospel.
Benjamin Hopp
Benjamin K. Hopp is an OPC missionary serving in Haiti. For further information on this situation see Rev. Steve Igo's report under News.
A document from the Committee on Diaconal Ministries is available to download in MS Word format.
A report from the Committee on Foreign Missions is also available to download.
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