The original Trinity Hymnal was published in 1961 and enjoyed wide use in the Orthodox Presbyterian Church and other Reformed churches.
Original Trinity Hymnal, #249
Come, Holy Ghost, in love
Shed on us from above
Thine own bright ray:
Divinely good thou art;
Thy sacred gifts impart
To gladden each sad heart:
O come today.
Come, tend'rest Friend and best,
Our most delightful Guest,
With soothing pow'r:
Rest, which thy weary know;
Shade, 'mid the noontide glow;
Peace, when deep griefs o'erflow,
Cheer us this hour.
Come, Light serene, and still
Our inmost bosoms fill;
Dwell in each breast:
We know no dawn but thine;
Send forth thy beams divine
On our dark souls to shine,
And make us blest.
Exalt our low desires;
Extinguish passion's fires;
His praise employ;
Give virtue's rich reward;
Victorious death accord,
And, with our glorious Lord,
Eternal joy.
Page number: Blue 249, download MIDI File
The original Trinity Hymnal was published in 1961 and enjoyed wide use in the Orthodox Presbyterian Church and other Reformed churches.
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