The original Trinity Hymnal was published in 1961 and enjoyed wide use in the Orthodox Presbyterian Church and other Reformed churches.
Original Trinity Hymnal, #408
From Psalm 38
In thy wrath and hot displeasure,
Chasten not thy servant, Lord;
Let thy mercy, without measure,
Help and peace to me afford.
Heavy is my tribulation,
Sore my punishment has been;
Broken by thine indignation,
I am troubled by my sin.
With my burden of transgression
Heavy laden, overborne,
Humbled low I make confession,
For my folly now I mourn.
Weak and wounded, I implore thee;
Lord, to me thy mercy show;
All my pray'r is now before thee,
All my trouble thou dost know.
Darkness gathers, foes assail me,
But I answer not a word;
All my friends desert and fail me,
Only thou my cry hast heard.
Lord, in thee am I confiding;
Thou wilt answer when I call,
Lest my foes, the good deriding,
Triumph in thy servant's fall.
Lord, my God, do not forsake me,
Let me know that thou art near,
Under thy protection take me,
As my Saviour now appear.
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The original Trinity Hymnal was published in 1961 and enjoyed wide use in the Orthodox Presbyterian Church and other Reformed churches.
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