The original Trinity Hymnal was published in 1961 and enjoyed wide use in the Orthodox Presbyterian Church and other Reformed churches.
Original Trinity Hymnal, #452
Saviour, blessed Saviour,
Listen while we sing;
Hearts and voices raising
Praises to our King:
All we have we offer,
All we hope to be,
Body, soul, and spirit,
All we yield to thee.
Nearer, ever nearer,
Christ we draw to thee,
Deep in adoration
Bending low the knee;
Thou for our redemption
Cam'st on earth to die;
Thou, that we might follow,
Hast gone up on high.
Great and ever greater,
Are thy mercies here;
True and everlasting
Are the glories there,
Where no pain nor sorrow,
Fear nor care, is known,
Where the angel legions
Circle round thy throne.
Higher then, and higher,
Bear the ransomed soul,
Earthly toils forgotten,
Saviour, to its goal;
Where, in joys unthought of,
Saints with angels sing,
Never weary, raising
Praises to their King.
Page number: Blue 452, download MIDI File
The original Trinity Hymnal was published in 1961 and enjoyed wide use in the Orthodox Presbyterian Church and other Reformed churches.
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