The original Trinity Hymnal was published in 1961 and enjoyed wide use in the Orthodox Presbyterian Church and other Reformed churches.
Original Trinity Hymnal, #486
When thy soldiers take their swords,
When they speak the solemn words,
When they kneel before thee here,
Feeling thee, their Father, near;
These thy children, Lord, defend;
To their help thy Spirit send.
When the world's sharp strife is nigh,
When they hear the battle-cry,
When they rush into the fight,
Knowing not temptation's might;
These thy children, Lord, defend;
To their zeal thy wisdom lend.
When their hearts are lifted high
With success or victory,
When they feel the conqu'ror's pride;
Lest they grow self-satisfied,
These thy children, Lord, defend;
Teach their souls to thee to bend.
When the vows that they have made,
When the pray'rs that they have prayed,
Shall be fading from their hearts;
When their first warm faith departs;
These thy children, Lord, defend;
Keep them faithful to the end.
Through life's conflict guard us all,
Or if wounded some should fall
Ere the victory be won,
For the sake of Christ, thy Son
These thy children, Lord, defend;
And in death thy comfort lend.
Page number: Blue 486, download MIDI File
The original Trinity Hymnal was published in 1961 and enjoyed wide use in the Orthodox Presbyterian Church and other Reformed churches.
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