The original Trinity Hymnal was published in 1961 and enjoyed wide use in the Orthodox Presbyterian Church and other Reformed churches.
Original Trinity Hymnal, #40
Psalm 33:1-12
Ye righteous, in the Lord rejoice;
It well becomes the good man's voice
To sing Jehovah's praise.
With harp and hymn of gladness sing,
Your gift of sweetest music bring,
To him a new song raise.
For upright is Jehovah's word;
And all the doings of the Lord
In faithfulness are wrought.
In justice and in judgment right
The Lord doth ever take delight;
With goodness earth is fraught.
Jehovah's word the heavens hath made,
And all the host of them arrayed
His breath has caused to be.
He rolls the waters heap on heap;
He stores away the mighty deep
In garners of the sea.
Let all the earth Jehovah fear,
Let all that dwell both far and near
In awe before him stand;
For, lo, he spake and it was done,
And all his sovereign power begun,
Stood fast at his command.
He makes the nations' counsels vain,
The plans the peoples would maintain
Are thwarted by his hand.
Jehovah's counsel stands secure,
His purposes of heart endure,
For evermore they stand.
O truly is the nation blessed
Whose God, before the world confessed,
Jehovah is alone;
And blessed the people is whom he
Has made his heritage to be,
And chosen for his own.
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The original Trinity Hymnal was published in 1961 and enjoyed wide use in the Orthodox Presbyterian Church and other Reformed churches.
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