The original Trinity Hymnal was published in 1961 and enjoyed wide use in the Orthodox Presbyterian Church and other Reformed churches.
Original Trinity Hymnal, #392
Blow ye the trumpet, blow!
The gladly solemn sound
Let all the nations know,
To earth's remotest bound;
The year of jubilee is come;
Return, ye ransomed sinners, home;
Return, ye ransomed sinners, home.
Jesus, our great High Priest,
Hath full atonement made;
Ye weary spirits, rest;
Ye mournful souls, be glad:
Extol the Lamb of God;
The sacrificial Lamb;
Redemption through his blood
Throughout the world proclaim:
Ye slaves of sin and hell,
Your liberty receive;
And safe in Jesus dwell,
And blest in Jesus live:
Ye who have sold for nought
Your heritage above,
Receive it back unbought,
The gift of Jesus' love:
The gospel trumpet hear,
The news of heav'nly grace;
And, saved from earth, appear
Before your Saviour's face:
Page number: Blue 392, download MIDI File
The original Trinity Hymnal was published in 1961 and enjoyed wide use in the Orthodox Presbyterian Church and other Reformed churches.
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