
July 10, 2010 News

Presbyterian Guardian Now Available

We are happy to announce that the entire corpus of the Presbyterian Guardian (1935-1979) is now available on the OPC website. It is displayed so that the user can access any one of the 611 individual issues. There is also a single PDF portfolio file (aprox. 1 GB), for those who want the entire collection on their computer, so they can access and search it. This will serve as a powerful reference tool for those researching the history of the OPC.

There is a new link to the Presbyterian Guardian on the right side of the page under the OPC Historian link.

At the top of the page you will see a graphic clipped from an old issue of the Guardian. By hitting Refresh on your browser you can see different designs that were used throughout the years. There is also an issue of the day feature at the bottom of the page.

To go to the Presbyterian Guardian, click here.


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