
March 16, 2013 News

Taking Heed to the Flock Now Available as an eBook

Peter Y. DeJong's Taking Heed to the Flock, which was serialized in Ordained Servant from its very first issue, January 1992, through July 1994, is now available from the Committee on Christian Education as an eBook. Written by a former CRC minister, it is a careful description of regular visitation of member families by consistories in a Reformed setting. It is a work which deserves the careful attention of OPC sessions desiring to provide proper pastoral oversight of the flock committed to their care. The author makes the case that

... in approaching the believers the elders come not merely with good advice and counsel, but being clothed with authority they must instruct and admonish, warn and comfort. Their words, when conforming to the Word of God, come with the official authority of him whom they represent; and all who refuse to submit to such good government in the church do violence to the welfare of their souls ....

Having the complete work in book form will make it available to a new generation of ministers and elders. To download it for free, click on one of the links below.

  • Taking Heed to the Flock: A Study of the Principles and Practice of Family Visitation  ePub  Mobi  PDF


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