
November 11, 2014 News

2015 Timothy Conference—Session Recommendations Needed NOW

Dear pastors and sessions:

The Committee on Christian Education, through its Subcommittee on Ministerial Training, is sponsoring its annual OPC Timothy Conference on March 18–21, for a select few Orthodox Presbyterian young men.

Once again we are asking you to identify young men of piety and ability whom you believe would benefit from having the high calling of the gospel ministry presented to them in a special conference setting. The target age group that we are looking for includes high school and college students, ages 16–21.

If there is a young man in your congregation that you think should be challenged to consider whether our Lord is calling him to the gospel ministry, one whom your session would endorse and nominate to attend the OPC Timothy Conference, please contact us no later than January 15, 2015. Applications can be found on OPC.org under Christian Education and then Timothy Conference.

The young man you nominate should himself have indicated his willingness to attend this all-expense-paid conference despite the adjustments he may need to make to his current academic schedule. You should include any detail that you think is important to our consideration in the selection process (e.g., age, educational level, service in the local church including camps and mission trips, observed piety, etc.).

We are using electronic media to get this information to you in a timely and cost- effective fashion. We are asking that you print several copies of the attached prospectus for the OPC Timothy Conference in order to post them and hand them directly to the young men in your church that you think should be interested. You can also e-mail them to students away at college.

Your application must be e-mailed to me at olinger.1@opc.org. You will receive immediate confirmation that the nomination has been received. We will notify you of our decision regarding the application no later than January 21, 2015.

The OPC Timothy Conference is hosted by the OPC and taught by experienced OPC ministers for the sake of the future of the OPC. Please pray for its success, both from the pulpit and individually.

In Christ’s service,

Danny E. Olinger
General Secretary
Committee on Christian Education



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