
July 24, 2018 News

MTIOPC Students Needed

Dear fathers and brothers,

I am writing to encourage those who would like to take the MTIOPC courses of Ecclesiology–Practical Theology (Troxel), Reformed Worship (Clary) and a Hebrew Refresher (Patton) to enroll immediately. Currently, we do not have enough applicants to hold the classes and will be forced to cancel without increased enrollment.

Applications are available here. The registration deadline is July 31, 2018.

If enrollment increases, the courses will begin online on August 20, 2018. The in-person Intensive Training sessions are scheduled for November 6–8, 2018 at Grace Presbyterian Church, Columbus, Ohio.

For questions, contact Pat Clawson, MTIOPC coordinator, at 215-896-6825 or email pat.clawson.opc@gmail.com.

Yours in Christ,
Danny Olinger



+1 215 830 0900

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