
April 12, 2019 News

Grayslake, Illinois

Hope Presbyterian Church, a small, established congregation located in Grayslake, Illinois, is seeking an experienced and qualified ministerial candidate who meets the qualifications found in 1 Timothy 3, Titus 1, and 1 Peter 5, who has:

  • A desire to continue preaching dynamic Christ-centered (redemptive-historical) sermons that are faithful to the Word of God, doctrinally sound, lovingly applied to the individual members of the congregation and relative to the times in which we live
  • Experience inspiring a congregation by word and deed to be active in prayer (personally and communally), and in outreach, evangelism, and service both at home and abroad
  • A discerning, understanding and shepherding heart, who shows that by prayerfully taking an active part in the lives of the congregants (both spiritual and material, young and old alike), and relates to them with Christlike compassion and encourages others to do the same

For further information contact Henk Blom, hpb1517@gmail.com, 430 Northshore Dr. Mundelein, IL 60060; (847) 989-7687.


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