
September 19, 2006 News

2006 Thank Offering Approaching

To: Pastors and Sessions of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church

Dear Fathers and Brothers:

The 2006 Thank Offering for the Worldwide Outreach ministries of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church is quickly approaching. The theme this year is "A Better Possession," based on Hebrews 10:34. In being joined to Jesus Christ in faith, we have in him a better possession than any earthly possession. The Thank Offering is an opportunity for us to express our gratitude to the triune God for this better possession which God has freely bestowed upon us by his grace and lovingkindness.

You will be receiving one or more Thank Offering posters, four sets of bulletin inserts, and remittance envelopes. You should aim to distribute the bulletin inserts on October 29 and November 5, 12, and 19. The envelope should be included with the insert on November 19. The Thank Offering material should arrive by October 23. If by that date you have not received the promotional materials, or if you would like more sent to you, please contact Jan Giandomenico (phone 215-830-0900 or e-mail jan.1@opc.org).

Please consider ways that you might promote the 2006 Thank Offering beyond putting the poster up in the church building and including inserts in the bulletin. Ministers and teachers, please consider preaching a sermon on the better possession that we have in Christ (Hebrews 10:34) and encouraging the people to show their gratitude for that possession by contributing to the Thank Offering. Please pray for the Thank Offering and the ministries of the OPC during worship. Please consider holding a Thank Offering dinner or planning a special Thank Offering event. The goal this year is to raise $675,000 through the Thank Offering for the ministries of Foreign Missions, Home Missions, and Christian Education (the same goal as last year).

Thank you again for joining in this ministry of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church. May our God richly bless your work for his kingdom.

For the General Secretaries,

Danny E. Olinger

The Rev. Danny E. Olinger
General Secretary of Christian Education
Orthodox Presbyterian Church
607 N. Easton Rd., Bldg. E, Box P
Willow Grove, PA 19090


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