
March 16, 2020 News

Denominational Offices Closed

Dear fathers and brothers of the OPC,

In response to the spread of the coronavirus in Montgomery County, Pennsylvania and in compliance with Gov. Wolf’s call for all non-essential institutions and organizations to close down for a two-week period of time in an effort to mitigate the spread of this disease, the denominational office in Willow Grove, Pennsylvania will be closed from March 14 through 29.

During that period of business days (Monday through Friday), all staff and personnel will be working from home. Moreover, all committee meetings which were scheduled during that time will now be handled by teleconference call or video interface. You may still call and leave a voice message or send an email if you have a need or a question of the office staff; but please be patient if the response takes longer than usual.

We trust that in God’s kind providence, the spread of this virus will abate soon so that life can return to normal. Should there be any extension of the closing of the denominational office, you will be notified. Otherwise, assume that the office will reopen on Monday, March 30.

Respectfully yours,

Hank L. Belfield
Stated Clerk of the General Assembly of
The Orthodox Presbyterian Church


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