
May 08, 2020 News

Denominational Offices Still Closed

Dear Members and Friends of the OPC:

Due to the ongoing high number of COVID-19 cases in our area, the governor of Pennsylvania has again extended the stay-at-home order. Consequently, the denominational office in Willow Grove will remain closed until the governor begins allowing businesses in Montgomery County, PA to reopen. Until that time, all office staff and personnel will continue working from home to lower the potential spread of the virus.

As before, if you have a need or a question for staff members or any of the general secretaries, you may call and leave a voice message or send an email. Someone will respond to you as soon as possible, but please be patient if the response to your message takes longer than usual.

Thank you for continuing to bear with us as we do our part to mitigate the spread of this illness. As soon as there is a change to the office closure, you will be notified. We pray it will not be much longer. Please check back at least once a week to see if there has been an update. May the Lord keep you and your family safe and healthy during this unusual time.

Respectfully yours,

Hank L. Belfield
Stated Clerk of the General Assembly of
The Orthodox Presbyterian Church


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