
July 10, 2020 News

John Leding, First OPC, Sunnyvale, Calif.

John Leding, ruling elder at First OPC, Sunnyvale, Calif., went to see Christ as he is and was made like him on June 26, 2020. John is survived by his wife, Pamela, his daughter Jennifer, son-in-law Luke, grandson William, granddaughter Annasophia, and another soon to be born. John was a faithful ruling elder, godly family man, successful business owner, churchman and friend. He took a personal interest in all the members of his church, of all ages, nations, and spiritual backgrounds. He showed unparalleled empathy, patience and persistence in evangelizing the lost. He was a churchman who loved his work on the session, who attended presbytery regularly, who served on committees, and who frequently augmented sessions in other churches. John was not only an elder but a close friend. I could share the depths of my soul with him as I could with few others. First OPC will feel his loss and the hole he leaves on the session for years to come. It will likely take much time for most to realize how much he did behind the scenes. He was instrumental in helping four pastors, including myself, into various churches in the presbytery. John will be missed and deserves to be remembered. Most importantly Christ remembers him, and his name is written in heaven. Eternal life began in him on earth and he is enjoying its fruits in glory.

Ryan M. McGraw
Greenville Presbyterian Theological Seminary


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