
December 12, 2020 News

Joliet, Illinois

New Covenant Community Church in Joliet, Illinois is seeking a new senior pastor. This established, sizeable OPC congregation outside of Chicago desires a gifted preacher and teacher to unfold the riches of Reformed faith and practice, to shepherd us toward ever greater maturity in Christ, and to lead us in worshipping our great God and reaching out to our community.

New Covenant is a confessionally-grounded church that is focused on a grateful, vibrant appropriation of the outward and ordinary means of grace and the life and ministry that flow from them. It is an attentive, listening church that values the ministry of the Word and desires expository, redemptive-historically informed, gospel-saturated preaching that explains and propounds the significance of God’s Word for a full-orbed Christian faith and life. It loves corporate worship, including through heartfelt singing of hymns and corporate prayer. It enjoys warm fellowship and an active, caring life of the body characterized by much mutual service. It is also a welcoming church that desires to be led in effective outreach to its community.

New Covenant is blessed with committed, informed leadership, in part due to its proximity to Mid-America Reformed Seminary and the faculty, staff, and students from there who serve in our midst. Thankfully, New Covenant has also attracted a large number of members who are fairly new to the Reformed faith or even to the Christian faith as a whole. As a result, the church desires a pastor who can minister effectively and enthusiastically to people from a wide range of backgrounds, from mentoring seminarians to discipling recent converts.

If you are interested in being considered for this position, please send your résumé and a letter of interest to our search committee at ncccopc@gmail.com.


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