
September 20, 2021 News

10th Annual Cape Cod Reformed Conference

10th Annual Cape Cod Reformed Conference
A free event hosted by Presbyterian Church of Cape Cod
November 12–14, 2021

Rev. Dr. Jonny Gibson
Associate Professor of Old Testament and Hebrew
Westminster Theological Seminary
Ordained in the International Presbyterian Church, United Kingdom

“Isaiah: God’s Good News for the Transformation of the World”


If ever there was a time in which man’s great problem of sin and fallenness (and with it man’s great need for help) was beyond question, surely our own day would compete for first place.

Ours is a day of pain, brokenness, and suffering.

Ours is a world and a nation torn apart, divided, and ever suspicious of its own.

Ours is a land in which every man does what is right in his own eyes and all our efforts to bring unity and peace consistently prove unsuccessful.

Our world is broken.

Things are not the way they ought to be. And we can’t seem to fix it. Is there any hope for a world so lost and so helpless to help itself? Indeed, there is!

Jesus is man’s only hope! Jesus can and will fix what’s broken and raise up what’s fallen!

Come join us at our 10th Annual Cape Cod Reformed Conference as Rev. Dr. Jonny Gibson takes us through the Old Testament Gospel of Isaiah to show us how God intends to transform our broken and fallen world through the atoning suffering of his Son and Servant, Jesus Christ.

For registration, information, and printable brochures visit the conference website.


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