by Mark T. Bube
The apostle Paul wrote to the young pastor Timothy, “But I am not ashamed, for I know whom I have believed, and I am convinced that he is able to guard until that Day what has been entrusted to me” (2 Tim. 1:12). Christ calls his church to share in suffering for the gospel in this life, a call that in many ways seems so strange to modern ears. The world values strength and might and, when deemed necessary, even having the power to enforce our will on others. Fallen man earnestly pursues the twin idols of fame and fortune, hoping that they might bring a large measure of happiness and fulfillment. And yet, God’s Word tells us that this is all vanity and striving after wind. If Christ tarries, every one of us will die. Then comes the Day of Judgment, when all will be sorted out. Those who would stand before God in the foolish belief that they have done enough supposed good during their lives on this earth to merit his blessing will find no excuse. They will hear the inexorable sentence of death ... Read more
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