
May 30, 2010 Book Review

Union and Communion with Christ

Union and Communion with Christ

Maurice Roberts

Reviewed by: Arthur J. Fox

Union and Communion with Christ, by Maurice Roberts. Published by Reformation Heritage Books, 2008. Paperback, 130 pages, list price $10.00. Reviewed by OP minister Arthur J. Fox.

Now here is a charming book, just right for a relaxing daily read. The author is a former editor of the Banner of Truth Magazine, and well versed in experimental Calvinism of the Puritan kind! He gives us eighteen brief chapters of no more than seven pages each. Each chapter reflects upon an aspect of our union and communion with Christ, by which is meant the vital relationship with Christ that we have entered into by faith (see Romans 6:1ff. or John 15) and the fellowship with him in which we partake of Christ's benefits.

The chapters cover such topics as the nature of our union with Christ, evidences of a real union with Christ, and the pleasures and privileges of our communion with him.

The chapter on "Our Communion with Christ in Joyous Experiences" shows how our sense of communion changes over time. Sometimes we are very aware of that fellowship, and at other times not so much. Roberts follows up by showing us how, when we are less aware of it, we may restore that sense of communion.

There is also a helpful chapter in which the author shows how the Psalms reflect on our union with Christ. A final chapter shows how man instinctively desires fellowship with God and how a believer may maintain that fellowship each day. These two chapters are very practical.

Throughout the book, the author draws the reader into a deeper experience of fellowship with the Savior. One gets the sense that this experienced pastor is speaking personally to the reader.

Dear reader, if life is getting you down because of personal trials or just because the news of the day is depressing, here is good medicine for your soul. Pick up this book and read it.



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