(by Rev. Eric Hausler, Pastor, Christ the King OPC, Naples, FL)
July 25 – August 1, 2015, a short-term missions team of 18 youth and adults from Lake Sherwood OPC (Orlando, FL) traveled to Naples, Florida, to help us at Christ the King OPC with service projects and cross cultural outreach to our neighbors.
We at Christ the King were so encouraged by the visit from this STM team and their heart of service to our neighbors. I know the testimony and credibility of our church was enhanced by their loving service to our neighboring charter school, the businesses in our office park, and the staff at St. Matthew’s House.
Each afternoon, the team hosted a two-hour conversational English class for local non-native English speakers. Throughout the week, we had a handful of students coming to our classes. One woman brought her family to worship at the church the following Sunday.
The team served as ambassadors to Gulf Coast Charter Academy, a charter school across the street from the church, helping with cleaning projects, moving classroom furniture, and painting. Team members brought along school supplies to donate to needy Haitian and Hispanic students.
The team spent a day at St. Matthew’s House, a Christian ministry to the homeless and those in addiction recovery, helping serve in their thrift store.
Click here for the full report with photos!
PHOTO: Eric Hausler and team members from Lake Sherwood OPC
Visit www.opcstm.org for more reports on summer Short-Term Missions!
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