(Charisa Dorn of Faith OPC in Long Beach, CA, was a member of Team Praha and served for 3 weeks in the Czech Republic in July-August 2016.) Praise God for a safe and blessed Team Praha 2016! We began our trip in the Sumava Mountains at a 4-day conference attended by Czech families and two couples from England and France. Our team mainly spent time with the children, teaching them Bible lessons, playing games, and making crafts. The kids enjoyed the theme of Jonah, and especially loved the crazy skits!
Week Two was spent on a hiking trip specifically designed for the team to bond with Czech teens. Though the language barrier was often difficult, God provided ways for us to communicate and share the gospel with them. Many lasting friendships were made on that trip, and we pray that the teens we met will reflect on what they learned and ultimately put their faith and hope in Christ.
Our last week was spent back at the church of missionaries Jerry and Marilyn Farnik in Modrany for a week long Vacation Bible School. Though this was a tiring last week for the team, God gave us strength and joy for each day. Many children from the neighborhood had never heard of the gospel, while others had been coming to the annual VBS since they were very young. It was such a blessing to see how many parents came to the final program to see what their children had learned.
The Lord blessed the trip and the team greatly, and we long to see fruit from the seeds that were planted. Though the Czech Republic is a spiritually dark area of the world, we know God can cause a revival and that hearts can be changed.
PHOTO: Charisa (2nd from left) with some of her teammates
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