Eli Hirtzel
(Eli Hirtzel from Branch of Hope OPC, Torrance, CA, served on the English Camp Team in the Czech Republic in July 2016). The summer programs that are presented by our missionaries, Jerry and Marilyn Farnik, in the Czech Republic offer a great opportunity to present the gospel of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. English Camp was new and a mystery to me, so I was unsure how it would play out. I can now say that English Camp is a jewel in my eyes because of all the seed that is planted during its week of English lessons, Bible lessons, games, movies, Christian fellowship, and even a church service on the Lord’s day.
The best part of the English Camp team is the diverse range of ages of team members, from young people to more seasoned adults, all working together on this trip. It is a pure picture of how the church works as a whole, everybody doing their own job that fits the gifts that God has supplied them with. Short term missions are not only for the young but for the whole body of Christ, and there is no better representation of that than English Camp in the Czech Republic.
I would like to challenge the reader of this short report to seek opportunities to serve on a short-term missions team as a leader or team member. Leaders and team members are needed every year, and both positions will help you in your spiritual growth.
Click here to read Eli's full testimonial and enjoy his beautiful photos!
PHOTO: Eli with two of his Team Praha teammates
Visit www.opcstm.org for more testimonials from those who have served as short-term missionaries in the OPC!
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