[Amelia Bolyard, Reformation OPC, Morgantown, WV, served on this year's "Team Haiti," organized by the Youth Committee of the Presbytery of Southern California. The team traveled to Haiti, June 24–July 6, 2017, to work with OP Missionary Ben Hopp and his family as they presented mini-VBS programs at the churches on the island of La Gonave.]
God used Team Haiti 2017 to grow my vision of his global kingdom in a big way! From being inspired by the Hopp family's fruitful work to enjoying precious fellowship with my teammates, I will always treasure those experiences. Although the impoverishment in Haiti is very grievous, the power of God's gospel is even greater! Furthermore, the joy of the Haitian kids was inspirational--the look of excitement in their eyes kept us energized throughout our entire efforts overseas. I returned to the United States with a restored burden to evangelize the lost and make disciples. Overall, the Lord ignited a passion in my heart for the worship of his name among all peoples!!
Visit www.opcstm.org for more testimonials from those who have served as short-term missionaries in the OPC!
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