Janet Birkmann
What is English Camp? Advertised as an English Camp run by Christians, families are invited to a hotel/resort for one week to attend classes, go on day trips, enjoy sporting activities, and put on skits and talent shows . . . . The Czechs are familiar with summer camps, but the concept of a camp where the entire family can participate and enjoy a week together is rare, which makes our format all the more appealing . . . . Reading lessons are from Scripture and oral discussions revolve around the stories presented in the lessons. It is a tremendous opportunity to present the Word of God, and student response and interaction is usually energetic.
The 2017 English Camp team of 24 served with OP Missionaries Jerry and Marilyn Farnik from July 12 to 24, and came from the following OP churches:
Click here for the Photo Gallery.
Visit www.opcstm.org for more photos and testimonials from those who have served as short-term missionaries in the OPC!
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