The following messages were sent out while the annual "English for Kids" Bible Camps were taking place in Quebec! Rev. Ben Westerveld, OP Missionary to Quebec, originated the camps, and and oversees them with the help of his Missionary Associate who fills the role of Camp Director. Three weeks of camp are held in Quebec City, and a fourth week is held in St-Georges de Beauce, Quebec.
From “Pray for Quebec” Newsletter, June 24, 2017: English for Kids Week #1.
Theme for the Week – Pilgrim’s Progress:
Here we go again! The thirteenth edition of the “English for Kids” Bible Camps kicks off this Monday.
Three weeks are planned with 55 children enrolled each week. Please pray for each child and their families. May they not only have the pleasure of learning to converse in English, but also the joy of conversing with our Lord!
The mission team for the first week of “English for Kids” is being led by members from New Life OPC (Williamsport, PA), an experienced gang with some members coming for a fourth year! The team is completed by believers from churches in Phoenix, AZ, Philadelphia, PA, Neon, KY, Watsontown, PA, Burlington, ON, and Ancaster, ON. What a blessing to receive brothers and sisters from many congregations working in the mission of our Lord in Quebec.
The biblical teaching will use the story of Pilgrim’s Progress. Our church is 45 minutes from Ste-Anne de Beau-Pré, a significant pilgrimage destination for Roman Catholics. May the children learn that the true pilgrimage is our walk with the Lord Jesus Christ.
Pray for Camp Director Janine:
Pray for Janine Eygenraam, our summer camp director, as she leads the “English for Kids” ministry: registering the kids, helping mission teams, coordinating volunteers from our congregation, answering a myriad of questions.
In 2014, Janine was a member of a mission team that came to Quebec City. Her experience, her hard work, and her desire to serve the Church of Jesus Christ will all contribute to guiding our camps this summer. We thank the Lord for each willing servant.
From “Pray for Quebec” Newsletter, July 4, 2017: English for Kids Week #2.
God’s Servants from Shiloh OPC:
Time is flying by, but what a wonderful first week we had at “English for Kids” Bible Camp in Quebec!
Testimonies included, “D. got into only one fight today;” and “C. smiled;” and “S. is singing!” S. has been at our camp for several years, and while his English is very good, he has often been resistant to the Bible content of our camps. More encouraging yet, S. and W., who is from a nominal bouddhiste family, recited the entire twenty-third Psalm! Thank the Lord for signs of his work in the lives of these children.
We are already into our second week of “English for Kids” Bible camp. The team is led by Shiloh OPC (Raleigh, NC), with additional team members from Trinity OPC (Bothell, WA) and Christ Covenant PCA (Midland, MI). Pray for the team, a bit small in numbers and their first time leading “English for Kids.” The first day went very well.
Pray also for the children as they learn about servants of the Lord God. May we also serve with thankfulness since Christ first served us by laying down his life as a ransom for our redemption.
Pray for St-Georges:
Please keep in your prayers the “English for Kids” Bible camp being held at our sister congregation in St-Georges, Quebec. Over sixty kids are enrolled! What a great encouragement to see this camp growing year by year.
Once again, Olivia Durham from Covenant OPC (Barre, VT) is leading the team with members coming from several congregations in the north-east.
While these camps contribute to our mission in the province of Quebec, we also desire that each mission team member might grow in his relationship with the heavenly Father, in love for brothers and sisters from different Churches and countries, and in passion for the mission of our Lord Jesus Christ.
From “Pray for Quebec” Newsletter, July 12, 2017: English for Kids Week #3.
The Love of God in Romans:
We are well into our third and final week of “English for Kids.”
The second week was quite a challenge: several children became ill, as well as half of the mission team! We had to disinfect the whole Church. Pray for sustaining grace through such challenges. We did conclude the camp, and I was particularly encouraged by the interaction with some parents inquiring about our Church and expressing appreciation for the mission teams and Church volunteers.
Our third team comes from Jubilee Presbyterian Church (Philadelphia, PA), a member congregation of the Korean American Presbyterian Church. The camp has a different look with a team of second generation Korean-Americans leading the kids. They are doing a wonderful job exploring the theme of God’s love according to the epistle to the Church in Rome.
PHOTO from July 12 newsletter.
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