Janet Birkmann
They shall speak of the glory of your kingdom and tell of your power... Psalm 145:11 (ESV)
The testimonials we are receiving from this summer's short-term missionaries are very encouraging, informative, and inspiring - as usual!
Please take a moment to enjoy a few excerpts from those who served in Asia, Wisconsin, and at the Boardwalk Chapel in Wildwood, NJ.
Joanna: The students’ curiosity about foreigners created opportunities for me and the other summer volunteers to talk about our faith in the context of sharing our lives and culture...
Janelle: Long-term workers have been planting and watering seeds there for years through building relationships, translating literature, training leaders. On the foundation of their faithful work, I was able to build...
Elizabeth: As we went from house to house, inviting everyone to our VBS, we were recognized numerous times by children and adults alike, with some even saying that they had been waiting for us...
Zoe: Every year, I feel I grow closer to the children we minister to on the reservation. These children need so badly to be loved; I am so glad that I can serve God by giving them a little bit of love, even if it is just for a week...
John: The Boardwalk staff was amazing; I had never been amongst a group of young people that lived and breathed and radiated the love of Christ like they did. It was encouraging and inspiring to serve alongside them in Christian fellowship...
Jim: While many churches focus on bringing their youth group, I see this as a great opportunity for church members of all ages to be trained in evangelism and grow in boldly speaking of Christ. Team members return home with a greater enthusiasm to practice evangelism in their community...
Find all the testimonials in the current issue of the S.T.O.R.M. Report Vol. 7 No. 9 August 15, 2018: "They Shall Speak of the Glory of Your Kingdom"
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PHOTO: English for Kids Bible Camp in St-Georges, Quebec
Visit www.opcstm.org to learn more about short-term missions in the OPC!
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