A couple of STM deadlines are looming: March 4th and 15th.
TEAM HAITI application deadline: March 4th.
Team Haiti will travel to Haiti, June 22 – July 4, 2019, to work with missionary Ben Hopp and his family to present VBS programs at churches on the island of La Gonave.
Team Haiti members must be communicant church members (minimum age 18). Valuable assets include teaching and musical gifts, a desire to share your faith in Christ, and an ability to organize and participate in sports, games, and crafts. Friendly cooperation with others and submission to team leadership are essential. Good health is important, too, as this trip involves rugged, dusty travel.
LINK to further details, brochure, and application form.
TEAM PRAHA application deadline: March 15.
Team Praha, working with missionaries Jerry and Marilyn Farnik, will spend 3 weeks in the Czech Republic, leading VBS and friendship evangelism programs for children, teens, and young adults,
Team Praha's leaders will be Rev. John Shaw (General Secretary, Committee on Home Missions and Church Extension) and Hannah Knight (Anaheim Hills OPC, Anaheim, CA).
Team Praha Qualifications: Communicant member of your church, faithful service in your home church (pastoral reference required), minimum age 16, desire to share your faith in Christ; various talents: teaching, music, sports, arts and crafts, and/or skits; ability to organize and participate in VBS-style activities; good physical condition; friendly cooperation with teammates; willingness to submit to the team leaders and to Pastor and Mrs. Farnik.
LINK to further details, brochure, and application instructions.
PHOTO: Team Haiti VBS 2018
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