The "Roadmap for Your STM Trip," available at, takes you step by step through participation in short-term missions, including: how to find a trip, getting your church involved, fundraising, travel planning, preparing yourself for service, how to conduct yourself on the field, prayer guide, links to resources, and more!
Visit Current Opportunities at for all the details on the follow opportunities for short-term service in the OPC:
A weekend work team is needed to help spruce up the Boardwalk Chapel for the summer season.
An ordained man is needed to serve as Team Leader for Team Haiti.
Teach English, and live with students at the “English House,” at a university in Asia.
Two adults needed to serve as leaders of English for Teens camping trip in Quebec.
Summer volunteers needed on the evangelism, domestic, or music (Drummer and Basist especially needed) teams at the Boardwalk Chapel.
Four weeks are still open for church groups to serve as a Ministry Team at the Boardwalk Chapel this summer.
Teach VBS on the Menominee reservation in Wisconsin.
Join an RP Missions trip to Japan.
Take your church group to Naples, San Antonio, or Puerto Rico for outreach and service projects.
Serve with the OP Uganda Mission.
Teach preschoolers at the Karamoja Education Outreach school in Uganda.
Take your church group to Key West for evangelism training with Pastor Welzien.
Take part in an “English Café” English-conversation outreach in French-speaking Quebec.
Missionary associates needed in Asia, Quebec Uganda, Uruguay.
Disaster response volunteers needed in North Carolina and Houston.
Visit Current Opportunities at for all the details!
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