S.T.O.R.M. Report (May 22, 2019) A trend on the rise in the OPC is married couples or pairs of friends setting out "two by two" in response to the need for volunteers on a foreign or domestic short-term mission or disaster response field. Mark 6:7 ...he called the twelve and began to send them out two by two. Luke 10:1 ...the Lord appointed seventy-two others and sent them on ahead of him, two by two.
Short-term missions does not just have to mean joining a large established team or trip. More and more friends and couples are finding opportunities to serve as a team of two!
In the last few years, husband and wife teams have:
A father and son team helped lead the English for Teens Bible Camping trip in Quebec; a father and daughter team served alongside two husband and wife teams rebuilding the kitchen at Keys OPC.
Two-man teams have traveled to Uganda to make missionary home upgrades and repairs; a two-man team from Wisconsin travels to Haiti on a regular basis to perform a variety of maintenance projects.
Summer Short-Term Missions:
It's not too late to participate in short-term missions this summer! Click HERE for openings for individuals and church groups!
Short-Term Missions Resources:
Travel Medical Insurance...STM Prayer Guide...Facing the Unexpected on STM Trips...Ten Steps for Doing STM Trips Well....Click HERE for these and other helpful STM resources.
Disaster Response Updates:
Visit the new Disaster Response website for updates on hurricane relief in North Carolina and Houston, refugee relief in Georgia, and more.
The S.T.O.R.M. Report:
Find current and past issues of the S.T.O.R.M. Report at OPCSTM.org.
Janet Birkmann
Communications Coordinator
OPC Short-Term Missions and Disaster Response
Phone: (215) 935-1007
Facebook: OPC Short-Term Missions
Website: OPCSTM.org
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