S.T.O.R.M. Report Vol. 8, No. 7b (July 24, 2019) The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it. John 1:5 (ESV)
JAPAN 2019:
Many in the OPC will recognize the name "Nozomi" from the years when OPC Disaster Response was actively involved in Japan following the Tsunami of 2011. What was co-founded by the OPC as the Nozomi Center (a community center with outreach program for local victims of the tsunami) is now Nozomi Church. Missionaries Woody and Laurie Lauer serve there, and regularly receive short-term mission teams from RP Missions (rpmissions.org).
Although no OPC members participated in the opportunity to serve with RP Missions in Japan this summer, we share here the July 2019 Prayer Notes from the Lauers about the team that served at Nozomi Church:
"The Reformed Presbyterian summer missions' team members have poured out their energy, creativity, and love for the Lord here in Yamamoto, and God is answering prayer. In addition to many days of hard work at different homes of elderly in the area, they have hosted a cooking class, an art class, and an evening café as well as passing out flyers at train stations. Their cheerful love shines through to all despite their very busy schedule."
From Boardwalk Chapel House Parents Sharon and Markus Jeromin:
"The Lord is blessing the relationships at the Boardwalk Chapel's Dunn House, the staff dorm where Sharon and I are serving as House Parents for the summer. What a delightful and hard-working staff of 15 young folks, ages 17 to 28, who have assembled from as far away as California and Maine to be in Wildwood to evangelize vacationers, summer workers, and others, while also working with youth groups ("Ministry Teams") that come to serve for a week at a time.
"There is space in the Dunn House if any prospective summer staffer would like to visit and get a taste of this truly wonderful ministry!
"The Boardwalk Chapel is truly a "don't miss" opportunity for anyone wanting to sharpen their faith and strengthen their evangelism."
Link to the S.T.O.R.M. Report or visit www.opcstm.org for more photos and testimonials from those who served as short-term missionaries in 2019!
PHOTO: RP Missions Team in Japan (2019)
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