God is faithful, by whom you were called into the fellowship of his Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. 1 Corinthians 1:9 (ESV)
A final look at short-term missions in summer 2019:
Six OPC STM fields received over 300 short-term missionaries in the summer of 2019: Boardwalk Chapel, Wildwood, New Jersey; Czech Republic; Puerto Rico; Quebec; Uganda; and Zoar, Wisconsin. Short-termers served on one of 16 teams, or as individuals, and came from 50 OPC churches and 11 non-OPC churches, from 22 states, plus Ontario and Quebec, and represented 13 presbyteries.
As one short-termer wrapped it up:
"So thankful for the opportunity. I grew in my personal walk with the Lord, had sweet fellowship with brothers and sisters in Christ, and grew in my heart for the lost. God is good and He is faithful."
2019 Summer STM Survey
Survey results shared for the benefit of:
43.5% ... responded to the 2019 Summer STM Survey.
Of those who responded:
51% ...had served on the same STM field previously
56.7% ...follow short-term missions via the S.T.O.R.M. Report
98.98% ...rated their experience as positive or very positive
40.2% ...were scheduled to present a report on their trip to their church
83.5% ...found the cost of the trip "just right"
91.6% ...did not find it difficult to raise funds for the trip
34.7% ...had some or all expenses paid out of their church, missions, or youth budget
Survey responses included some frank advice from those who served:
Boardwalk Chapel - Staff (serving for the summer): "Please don't come expecting this to be a vacation. Please come if you are ready to live alongside others, take instruction, and serve."
Czech Republic - English Camp: "It important to go on a trip like this because of a desire to serve and to spread the gospel, not a desire to see the world.:
Czech Republic - Team Praha: "Really think ahead about how you want to communicate the Bible to the teens on the hiking trip portion of the trip. You need to prepare yourself to be willing to share the gospel with them even when you’re nervous."
Zoar, Wisconsin - Menominee Missions: "Go with an open heart to the kids - be willing to go with the flow and get on their level. Leave behind any cultural preconceptions and be open-minded to what you may learn from the people on the reservation."
LINK to today's S.T.O.R.M. Report newsletter for more survey results!
PHOTO: Kathryn Fraser served in Uganda in the summer of 2019
Visit OPCSTM.org to learn more about Short-Term Missions in the OPC!
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