The Committee on Diaconal Ministries (CDM) is excited to announce that registration for the Fourth National Diaconal Summit registration is now open!
"What is a diaconal summit?" "When is it?" "Who can go?" "How do I sign up?"
These may all be questions you're asking.
• What: This three-day event is a denomination-wide conference for deacons, full of lectures and workshops on various topics pertinent to diaconal work, as well as facilitating fellowship with other deacons from across the country.
• When: June 10-12, 2021.
•. Where: This year's Summit will be held at Wheaton College* in Wheaton, Illinois.
•. Who: If you are a pastor, elder or deacon, have been a deacon but are now retired or on sabbatical, or are a deacon-in-training, you are most welcome to attend.
•. How: Registration for the Summit is now open!
•. Cost: The cost of the Summit is covered by the Committee on Diaconal Ministries for OPC members if you register before April 1, 2021.
After April 1, you will need to pay a $25 registration fee.
Non-OPC members will pay $125 for the Summit (the $25 registration fee will be waived before April 1).
If you'd like an idea of what you can expect at the summit, you can find lectures and training sessions from previous summits on the CDM Website.
The CDM has been working to get a comprehensive list of all deacons in the denomination. If you are a deacon and are not on our mailing list, please contact Sarah Klazinga with your name, contact info, and the church where you serve.
*This is not a function of Wheaton College.
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